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Cash Is Best

Cash offers voluntary agencies the most flexibility in obtaining the most-needed resources. Many charities specialize in providing relief in disaster areas, yet they face significant financial barriers to getting their staff, equipment, and supplies into impacted areas.


Your donation helps put experienced disaster responders on the ground and gives them the tools they need to help survivors recover. Organizations typically prefer cash donations because they allow organizations to:


  • Purchase food, water, medicine, and equipment from secure and familiar supply chains

  • Buy materials locally. This can help rebuild the economy

  • Conserve resources. Money is always necessary and cheap to send, but the cost to ship material supplies can be expensive.


Remember, material supplies such as used clothing, miscellaneous household items, and mixed or perishable food require helping agencies to redirect volunteer labor away from providing direct one-on-one assistance to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items that may not meet the needs of disaster survivors.


How to Donate

If you would like to make on online donation to the West Virginia VOAD to help with WV Disaster events, please click the donate button below.

To make a donation by check or money order, please mail donations to:


West Virginia VOAD:

2700 E Dupont Ave

Suite 14 

Belle, WV 25015

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